Why Drink More Hot Tea In Summer? 1

1. Drinking tea can replenish water and potassium salts: In summer, the temperature is high and there is a lot of sweating. Potassium salts in the body will be discharged with sweat. At the same time, the body’s metabolic intermediate products such as pyruvate, lactic acid and carbon dioxide are accumulated more, which leads to an imbalance of pH. Metabolic disorders, abnormal heart rate, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, fatigue and even dizziness. Tea is a potassium-containing food. The average amount of potassium extracted from tea soup is 24.1 mg per gram for black tea, 10.7 mg per gram for green tea, and 10 mg per gram for Tieguanyin. Potassium salt can be supplemented by drinking tea, which helps maintain the normal osmotic pressure and pH balance of the cells inside and outside the human body, and maintain the normal physiological metabolic activities of the human body. This is the most important reason why tea is suitable for drinking in summer.

2. Drinking tea has the effect of heat dissipation, cooling, and thirst: the caffeine in tea soup plays an important role in the regulation of the body temperature center of the hypothalamus of the human body, and secondly, it also has a diuretic effect. The tea polyphenols, amino acids, water-soluble pectin, and aromatic substances in the tea soup can stimulate the oral mucosa, promote saliva secretion, and have the effect of producing body fluids and quenching thirst. The aromatic substance in tea itself is a kind of cooling agent, which can drive a certain amount of heat from the pores of human skin during the volatilization process. Therefore, tea drinking in the midsummer heat is far superior to other beverages in cooling and thirst quenching.

Post time: Jun-25-2021