The Role Of Tea Tree Pruning

The pruning of tea trees can break the balance of the growth of the aboveground and underground parts of the tea trees, and at the same time adjust and control the development of the aboveground parts according to the requirements of high-yield and high-quality tea tree crowns. Its main functions are:

1. Form a good canopy structure. Due to the biological characteristics of apical dominance, tea trees that grow naturally without artificial pruning with tea pruning machines will naturally develop to a height with sparse branches, and the height and size of the trees among different tea trees are not uniform. The arrangement and distribution of branches at all levels are uneven. The purpose of the tea tree pruning machine is to control the height development of the tea tree according to people’s requirements, promote the growth of lateral branches, and form a reasonable layout of branches at all levels and a good crown shape, and improve the density of production branches and new shoots on the crown surface. The regeneration ability constitutes a good high-yield and high-quality canopy structure, which is also convenient for tea picking, especially mechanical picking.

2. Renew and rejuvenate tea trees and promote the growth of new shoots. The production branches on the canopy surface of the tea tree will gradually age and form chicken feet after repeated germination and regeneration of new shoots, and the budding ability will decrease. The new chicken feet can promote the re-germination of new production branches, enhance the regeneration and tenderness of the new shoots, and improve the yield and quality.

3. Remove pest and disease branches, increase ventilation and light transmission inside the crown, reduce and inhibit the occurrence and spread of pests and diseases. In addition to finishing the canopy surface, the pruning of the tea tree pruning machine increases the ventilation and light transmission inside the canopy by pruning and cleaning the diseased and insect branches and thin branches inside the canopy, so that the leaves at different levels above and below the tea tree can get sufficient light. Carry out photosynthesis to improve the overall photosynthetic efficiency of the tea tree; on the other hand, cut off the branches of diseases and insect pests, reduce the occurrence source and occurrence conditions of the spread of diseases and insect pests, and inhibit the occurrence and spread of diseases and insect pests.

Post time: Jan-20-2022