Key Process Point Of Green Tea And White Tea

The most essential difference between the major types of tea is the degree of fermentation, showing different flavor characteristics, and the degree of fermentation is controlled by different processes.

Green tea “fried”

Green tea should be fried, the professional term is called “fixing green”.

When the fresh leaves are fried in a pot, a substance called “green tea enzyme” in the leaves dies because of the high temperature, and the green tea cannot be fermented, so the green tea always maintains the appearance of green oil.

After frying or tea fixation, the original grassy smell in the fresh leaves dissipates, and it evolves into the unique fragrance of green tea, and some have the fragrance of fried chestnuts.

In addition, a small amount of green tea is steam-fixed.

White tea “sun”

There is a familiar saying about white tea, which is called “no frying, no kneading, natural perfection”.

The craft of white tea can be said to have the least procedures among the six major tea categories, but it is not simple.

Drying white tea is not to expose the white tea to the sun, but to spread the white tea indoors and outdoors to dry according to the weather conditions.

The intensity of sunlight, temperature, and the thickness of the spread all need to be carefully controlled, and it can be dried to a certain extent.

During the drying process, the white tea is slightly fermented, resulting in a light floral aroma and pure sweetness, as well as a sun-dried aroma.

Post time: Jun-18-2022